What is Follinil™ ?
Follinil™ is a hair retardant face cream which is used to treat unwanted hair on the face and neck of women.As a cream,it is applied directly to the skin on the face and neck, at the site of the unwanted hair
How does Follinil™ works?
Follinil™ contains Eflornithine Hydrochloride. Eflornithine blocks the action of an enzyme called ornithine decarboxylase, which is found with the hair follicles.Blocking this enzyme results in slower hair growth.

Apply a thin layer of the Follinilâ„¢ cream on the affected areas of the face and any adjacent involved areas under the chin.

Rub the applied layer thoroughly onto your skin
FollinilTM can be used in conjunction with hair removal techniques like shaving, plucking, tweezing or cutting:
(FollinilTM should be applied at least 5 minutes after hair removal.)